

I love buttons and thought I had tons of “kiddie” buttons.  Wrong.  What I do have are tons of realistic and shapes buttons with a small group of “kiddie” buttons.  I have most of my buttons attached to cards (9x12 is standard) and frames.  The National Button Society 2017-2018 Blue Book definitions are listed below.  See if you can tell which is a kiddie, realistic or shape.

Kiddie buttons are classified as small non-realistic glass or plastic buttons made for children’s wear with pictorial designs of children’s themes (no fruit or flower designs).  May have painted or transfer design.  

Realistic buttons (23-10.3) button has the shape of and depicts/resembles something found within the four pictorial sections.  Buttons made of an actual object (sea shell, pine cone, nut, real coin, etc.) are not acceptable.  A waxing or waning moon shape is considered a realistic as are the round circus, starred circle and coin sets.  Although not realistics, heart, paisley, star and snowflake shapes may be used as linear shapes or patterns.  Excluded are buttons depicting subjects make circular or spherical through artistic manipulation.  See p 4, “Size requirements.”

Shapes Assorted 23-10 There are 3 basic shapes: contour, linear, and realistic.  All buttons have a basic linear shape, the most common being circular. Tracing around the outside edge of a button will indicate its linear shape.  A single button may fit into more than one shape category (a ball contour shape is also a circular linear shape), but shall represent (and be labeled as) only one shape at a time.


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